Personal Loans
Made Easy
When you need money for any purpose, ask us for personal loan
Personal Loans

Solar Shakti Loan
The feature belongs to renewable energy – The biggest source being ‘The Sun’ . Avail the Solar Shakti loans to install a solar energy unit in your house and office premises.

Consumer Durable Loan
The features of Consumer Durable Loans are loans can be sanctioned for the purchase of electronic goods and we provide up to 1 lakh with ROI at 18%.

Site Purchase Loan
SUCO bank offers loans for Site purchases if you need money to buy a plot or other types of real estate.

Vehicle Loan

Gold Loan

Education Loan
With an intention to make education most affordable to all students, we provide educational loans to cover the cost of tuition, books and supplies including Boarding.

Home Loan
We provide loans up to 75 Lakhs and the loan can be sanctioned for the construction & renovation of your house property with an ROI of 9% – 11%, these are the salient features of SUCO home loan scheme.

Loan On Term Deposit

Key Loan For Traders
Our Customers
It is a customer friendly bank providing excellent services to the best satisfaction of each and every customer and it is family bank.
Excellent service since eight years convenient timings and high customer satisfaction. Thank you SUCO Bank.