Social Responsibility
As wee all know, our country’s economy runs on agriculture. And SUCO Bank is here to support the countless farmers who feed our country.
Every little help matters and SUCO bank believes in it
SUCO bank has donated 5lakh rupees to chief minister’s relief fund for helping out the people affected by fierce flood in North Karnataka. SUCO bank stands in solidarity with the victims of natural calamity.

Krishi Prashasti
Indian economy is basically an agricultural economy. More than 60% of the population is engaged in agriculture and allied activities.
To encourage our farmers and agricultural innovations, for the first time ever in the Banking sector, SUCO Bank started SUKRITA Krishi Award in the following fields:
- Innovative Agriculture
- Innovative Agriculture Technology
- Agriculture Fellowship

Each Award carries 1 lakh rupee cash prize
“The eminent Agricultural scientist, journalist and progressive farmers are going to select the awardees”
SUCO Bank in association with Hyderabad based Co-operative Development Foundation is now taking part in “Sahachara”, a movement of Women Self-Help Co-operatives. As many as 1719 women members have availed themselves the benefit of 22 such co-operatives set up in 22 villages. This program is based on the beneficial aspects of the Co-operative and Self Help Group principle. A Helping Hand to farmers in distress. It is worth nothing that the Bank had made a video film on preventing of water evaporation from agricultural fields by spraying Neem Oil. The film was screened in several villages. The bank has helped several social organizations. A guidance center was setup by the Bank to guide farmers on crop protection. SUCO Bank under the NABARD’s “GrameenaBhandar” scheme has financed more than 50 rural godowns in the region.

The Jury members are :
- Shri. Nagesh Hegde : A well know journalist in the field of environment & Agriculture
- Dr. B V Patil : Vice–chancellor Agriculture University Raichur
- Shri. Vittal Gouda Biradar : A progressive farmer from Bijapur
- Smt. Ashwini Krishnamurthy : Progressive farmer and Director, Varanasi Agriculture research Foundation, Adyanadaka, South Canara
- Smt. Vinutha Mukthamat : Asst. Professor, Home science division, Agriculture university, Dharwad
- Shri. M K Kylasamurthy : Progressive farmer from Mysore
- Shri. Arun : a well-known journalist
- Dr. Niranjan Vanalli : Dean, Mass communication and journalism Dept, Mysore university
- Shri. Narendra Rai Derla : Columnist and well know writer in Agriculture & Rural Journalism
- Shri. Poornaprajna Belur : Columnist and well know writer in Agriculture & Rural Journalism